Software Developer

Full Time
United States
Posted 2 years ago


Role Software Developer
No of Positions 2
Educational Qualification 4 years of Bachelor Degree in Computer Engineering or Related Field
Location Michigan, USA
Technical Competencies Architecture Software Solution, Application Development, Troubleshooting, High Level Design and Detail Level Design

Position Responsibilities:

  • Analyze, design, develop and architecture software solution for the business requirements for our client.
  • Prepare high level design and detail level design documents our client.
  • Involve in application development, troubleshooting technical issues and design flaws our client.
  • Collaborating with business and assisting the technical team members for tasks and issues resolution.
  • Perform code review, involved in unit test and defect fixing. software test planning, test phase execution, certifying quality of the product and responsible for ensuring quality of the customer’s information systems and verifying systems functionality and performance; and improving testing strategy our client.
  • Analyze, develop, and determine high- and low-level design to produce a salable system and anticipate any bottlenecks and utilize new technologies, advancements and vulnerabilities to keep up with the current trends.

Job Features

Job CategoryDigital Technologies

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